How's Your Text Chemistry? Because, It's a Thing...

How's your text chemistry?

"My what?" You ask, playing dumb.

You already know what the phrase means.

Still you inquire further to gain a better understanding of a concept that you have not only accepted, but are currently applying to your dating life.

What is it?

Text Chemistry: the witty banter, the playful dialogue, the art of a good flirt via your thumbs. Moreover, the essential digital chemistry which exists between you and your potential soulmate, as you get to know each other from the context of the other side of a screen.

Dating norms have changed and evolved with the digital age.

Text chemistry is a new way to be successful at finding true love (especially if you are good at texting).

  • Shy people around the world rejoice at the opportunity to get their personality across without having to look anyone in the eye.

  • In an era of busy, the extra bonus of being able to multitask with the touch of a button, or in this case several buttons, isn't bad either.

  • The additional response time is a special treat for any avid winky emoji user (you know who you are). And yes, we too know how awesome your witty comebacks are... ;).

But wait. A bout of uneasy fills your mind.

Text Chemistry Hangover

The low after a high. The recognition that "text chemistry" is just one more thing to add to the list of qualifications, that are in addition to the set of standards. Standards of things like real-life chemistry, your attraction level and the all other dots to the i's that you consider to be necessary to essential spouse material.

The text overanalyzes ask: is his/her's response time too quick or is it too slow? Is the text the right amount in length?

Too many words could sound too interested or, even worse an indication of having too much time on your hands.  As in, you have nothing else going in your life that of course you were able to respond with a novel!  Conversely, too short a text could convey a sincere level of non-interest or that you yourself are quite boring.

Sure, when two finally become one, meaning a start of a relationship (get your mind out of the gutter) all of the above will no longer matter. But right now, right now, text chemistry could make or break your relationship. Ugh! The pressure! 


Breathe. That is what the over analyzers ask, which you are not. You are a grown adult living and loving your awesome life. You stand strong in your faith of your unique good text chemistry. Meaning it's specific to your chemistry.

The right person, will have the right flow of text for you. And will let you know when they may be too busy for a text-a-thon, but could follow up with an in person hang out. And maybe by deciphering just what kind of "text chemistry" you prefer, you can also define what you are looking for in that Mr./Ms. Right. 

For example, if you prefer a long text, maybe you are also looking for a good communicator. If your style is more short and to the point, maybe you prefer someone more action-oriented. 

Does a witty texter make your heart skip a few beats? Sounds like a sense of humor is important to you. Do one-word texters annoy you? Maybe you are looking for someone who will be more thoughtful in their actions and more dynamic in their presentation.

My advice... don't over think it. Your thumbs may reel them in but there is still nothing like a good one on one activity or conversation in person to really define "good chemistry."